No Shortcuts To Success

There is no shortcuts for you to get success. You will not find success in the world. Dont take shortcuts and escape, but stay with God. Because God is our inheritance. He has a great future for us.

Are you ready to get the great things that the Lord has prepared ?

(Luke 15)

  1. Come to the end of your ways, but God's way.
  2. Come to your spiritual senses and get your spirit sharp.
  3. Come back to God, the father.
  4. Come back to the father's house, the church.

Are You Willing ?

Nobody can help us when we face difficulties. We must always encourage ourselves and don't ever let the enemy to put wrong thoughts in us. Some people may say ''as a christian, we wont face any difficulties'' but i tell you, even tho' we are christians, the enemy will still use our weakness, and put discouragement and dissapointment in us. Therefore, we must be strong and find our strength in God, yes, God can help us in everything, but only if we are willing to.

Where Are You ?

Gen. 3 : Verse 6 '' When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from it's fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate ''. Verse 7 '' Then the eyes of both of them were opened; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings''. Verse 8 '' They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among trees of the garden ''. Verse 9 '' Then the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, '' Where are you ? ''
For many times, if we've done something wrong in the sight of the Lord, we will try to run away from Him, we don't have the courage to come back to God, and ask forgiveness from Him. Just like Adam & Eve, they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord, because they have done wrong in the sight of the Lord. Sometimes, we may not have time to read the word, worship and pray. And the devil will put discouragement and fear in us, and we will begin to have wrong thoughts, and feel guilty, we will feel so afraid that if we ask forgiveness from Him, He will not forgive us. But i say to you, Although Adam was sin, God is still looking for him in the garden. This day, He is not just waiting for u to return back to Him, but He is looking for you. Church, God is saying this to everyone of us '' Where are you ? ''

One Touching One

10 Simple Practical Points To Reach Out To Our Loved Ones.

Move towards the person, in total obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Wait for the appropriate time to speak.

Survey the situation by asking the right question.

Don't push your way, but proceed as they respond more and more to you.

Understand the protocol accorded to us.

Begin with a major area of needs.

Preach major on the relationship of Jesus.

Be prepared to fulfill their request.

Believe God for supernatural intervention.

Leave them happier than the first time they met you.

''Now'' Generation

The New Generation (NOW)


A generation that will take over ....

A generation that will humble themselves before Him ...

A generation that will take His word and do His will ...

A generation that are ready to FIGHT ...

A generation that are willing to work together as ONE ...

A generation that will cry out to Him ...A generation that will put their past aside and walk towards their destiny ...A generation that will SHOUT FOR JOY ...


A generation that will take over,

A generation that will humble themselves before Him,

A generation that will take His word and do His will,

A generation that are ready to FIGHT,

A generation that are willing to work together as ONE,

A generation that will cry out to Him,

A generation that will put their past aside and walk towards their DESTINY,

A generation that will SHOUT FOR JOY! By: Josiah

If You Build My House, I'll Build Yours

God is seeking for a generation that will truly build His house. Let us be the generation that will say 'yes' to Him. For the church is not a building, but it is 'you & me'. That's why God is looking for us to build His house. This day, check our motives whether why we choose to serve God. We must not have wrong motives. We must set our hearts right before Him. Why are we doing what we are doing now ? We dont need to run after the blessings from God, for if we build his house, He will bless us. So, this day, let us think and decide.

  • Are you ready to build His house ?
  • Are you ready to work together as one body of Christ?
  • Are you ready to unite together ?


Reaching Out ...

Reaching Out To Our Friends
We had a party last week, (3rd March 2007). I thank God that our friends came on that day. Although it was raining on that day, but the presence of God was strong enough. So we played some games, chit-chatting and we shared our testimony. The hearts of the people are so opened while we are sharing our testimony. God is so good. I pray that, the seeds that we sowed in their hearts will grow day by day. I believe very strongly that God is going to do something in their lives. Acts 10:43 '' .... EVERYONE who believes in Him receives forgiveness ''.

A Visitation By God

It was 4 o'clock in the morning, we were in a room, 3 of us were talking,
sharing about the word of God, and 3 also, were praying together. Immediately, We could feel the presence of God, we could see a bright light coming from the windows. Therefore, if you give your time to God, He will give His time to u.
Now, i have the courage to say, I Believe ! - Jo

The Proceeding Word

The Prophetic Word For 2007
  • The proceeding word of God is the covering over our life.
  • The proceeding word of God will put an expiring date on the works of the enemy.
  • The proceeding word will touch strategic people and these people will rise up.
  • The proceeding word will raise a new generation who will rebuild the house.
  • The proceeding word will release resources and provision to finish the vision.

Review Of 2006

Well, you would like to know more about our youth group. Obviously, from the picture you see, it doesn’t contain lots of people. But these are the people that are soaring high and burning bright for God.

Let’s start with the beginning of the year. Our youth started as an ordinary youth group. Nothing special. Even the youth pastor thought that there was no hope for this group of young people. The services just went as usual. Nothing much happened. Non of us were convinced to cross over although that was the word for the year “Cross Over To Take Over”. To come to think of that, those days were quite boring. Our youth pastor tired hard, by the grace of God, to bring us into a higher dimension. For months nothing really changed until we were preparing to go for a International Youth Conference.

I'm not very sure when it started. I think it was somewhere in July. We were totally excited about it. Well, not just meeting new friends from all parts of the world but to catch hold of the word of God for our lives. An honor for the man of God also plays a part in our response to the preparation. It was totally a privilege to be able to go.

After the preparation, it was the first night of the conference. A concert was held as the opening of the conference. Six girls from our youth, including me, performed a fan dance on that night. I think we did quite a good job. Anyway, that night was really great. Even though it was just a concert, but it took off from there. The presence of God just came down crazy and filled the whole place. Throughout the conference, which lasted for about five days, we were totally soaked in the word of God. The breakthrough worships were really something. Cleansed us thoroughly, sowed the good seeds on good ground, and really set us on fire. Our favorite quote during that time was “Igniting the fire, spreading the flame”. We were still burning when we came back from the conference. It was even better than the year before. We are looking forward to the youth conference this year ’07 to be even greater.

We planned to have early morning prayers before going to school at 6am. It still continues until now.

During the school holidays we also had bible study almost everyday. Even when we went for holiday together, we still continued the bible study. It was totally a sacrifice.

There’s one more event that really touched our lives. It’s the 10 nights in Muar. It was so good I cant even explain it. It was fantastic. We had fellowship with not only just God, but also with the people there. A stronger relationship between the two churches. Even for the youth, our relationship with one another is stronger.

Our youth still stands strong with active people in the youth group. It is a blessing to see all of us rising up to be the next generation to lead the move of God. Just a quick glance on the word for this year… “The Proceeding Word Creates Movements – the devil moves out, God’s people move forward and God moves in”.

That’s all for 2006, a fruitful and meaningful year to take as a stepping stone for 2007. Not a year to stay in but to help us start somewhere. Take it as an example and not a comfort zone. Remember, life goes on. You just cant stop time.
– Lois

Once I Was Blind, Now I Can See

I have been serving the idols for many years. Curious when i hear the people says about God. Last time, my life is just DULL. There's nothing interesting. There's no joy inside my heart. It just like a blind man.I believe, God has seen my life for a long time. So finally, He unveiled my eyes, and i started to go to church, and I got saved. I thank God that I have found Him. I'm so happy to know Him. Wherever i go, the presence of God is always be with me. Day by day, I become stronger and stronger. Nothing can hold me anymore. Therefore, do not struggle to find the truth anymore, this day i can really say to you, He is the truth.


Our Youth ..

Joyce and Esther ...
Joshua, Elisha and Caleb ..

Jane and Rebecca ..

Jason .. We are God's Warriors ...

The Warriors of God

We are God's warriors that are BRAVE, STRONG and POWERFUL. No matter what circumstances we face, we will not fall, people will say that we are still young, we dont have the ability to do it. What i can tell them is THEY ARE WRONG. It is not about age, it is because we are connected with Him. Once you are connected with Him, nothing is going to hold you down anymore. As a team, we always work together as ONE to push the enemy away. This is our job !