The Power of His Presence

  1. We are surrounded by His presence.
  2. We come under the light of His presence
  3. We create a lifestyle within the boundaries of His presence.
  4. We find a life of strength in His prensece.


Angie said...

Praise Him!

Chris Jones said...

Psalms is such a great book!
My favorite part is Moses Chapter the one right before 91

TMM said...

WOnderful! We live and have our being in His Presence. Its like the creatures that live under the ocean. Once they are taken out of the ocean, they die. The same way, once we are completely out of His Presence, death will reign in us at every level- that is eternal death or hell.


Lance said...

wonderful praise!

Allen said...

Amen and Amen.

Lance said...

hey i have a new post, my friend

inspired said...

Great \o/

Lance said...

i have a new post.